BHX - 25 years ago today!! - on Wednesday 30 May 1984 the Queen officially opened the "new" terminal

Twenty five years ago today - on Wednesday 30 May 1984 -
the Queen officially opened the "new" terminal building....

.... after arriving on RAF Queens Flight Andover XS790 which had
parked next to British Airways Concorde G-BOAA - the tail of a
Wardair Boeing 747 can be see parked behind the Pier
. .
Over the previous Bank Holiday weekend an Air Show had been held
at the Airport to mark the opening of the new site
The Malboro Pitts Specials taxy for departure with the old
Elmdon terminal in the background....
. .... while Concorde G-BOAA performed a number of "supersonic"
flights out over the English Channel seen here landing back at BHX
with Air Atlantique Dakota GAMPO in the foreground
The new terminal had opened of Wednesday 4 April 1984 and some
more photos and a video of the first day of operation can be seen at -