Breaking news - second Airbus A380 to
visit Birmingham in September 2009!!
Airbus have just announced that an company Airbus A380 F-WWOW
will be making an approach and go around fly through at Bimingham
on Saturday 5 September 2009 as part of a UK tour on that date!!
The aircraft is provisionally scheduled time at BHX at 1540!!
The aircraft will also be visiting Edinburgh (1340), Prestwick (1400),
Port Rush for an Air Show (1420), Belfast City (1440) and Broughton
(1508) before return to Toulouse via Birmingham
See below for Airbus release
This visit is in addition to the planned visit by an Emirates A380
on Wednesday 9 September 2009 - for more information see -
Airbus A380 returning for a UK visit 5 September 2009
The world’s largest commercial airliner, the 525-seat Airbus A380, is returning
to the UK for a brief flying visit on September 5. The iconic aircraft will make its
first-ever visits to Scotland and Northern Ireland, and brief appearances over
England and Wales, during its time here.
The A380 is scheduled to first perform approach-and-go fly-throughs at the
airports in the capital city of Edinburgh and Prestwick, Scotland; followed by
a flying display at the Northern Ireland International Airshow at Portrush,
and a fly-through at Belfast City Airport in Northern Ireland. It will also fly
over Airbus’ facility in Broughton, North Wales, where Airbus employees will
be celebrating the company’s founding 40 years ago, and over Birmingham
International Airport in England.
Tom Willliams, Airbus Executive Vice President of Programmes said: “We
are proud to welcome the A380 back to the UK, and that it will be visiting
Scotland and Northern Ireland for the first time. This visit demonstrates
what Airbus and its UK partners do together—design and build great aircraft.”
Birmingham-born Jeremy Cieslik, Vice President and Plant Manager for Airbus
in the UK Industrial Operations, is proud to welcome the A380 to his hometown:
“I hope the people of Birmingham are as proud as I am of the A380. It is the
flagship of the 21st century and sets new standards in eco-efficient aviation. And
every one of them is flying with wings designed and manufactured in the UK.”