The Papal visit to Birmingham Airport - a look behind the scenes

After months of planning Birmingham Airport's big day had arrived
- the departure ceremony - which brought the Pope's State visit
to the United Kingdom to an end - was held on the 80's stands....
.... which had been transformed for the event
As members of the media arrive to cover the Pope's departure....
.... the Police conducted final security checks
The Papal aircraft - Alitalia Airbus A320-216 EI-EIB - arrived
from Heathwow - and was positioned next to the red carpet
The Alitalia crew had their photo taken by the media....
.... while the Servisair team - Neil, James and Andy - prepared
for an "on time" departure from BHX
Everyone ready? - satellite links on line?
.... and now we go live to Birmingham Airport - and as
they say the rest is history!!
Well done to all at Birmingham Airport for organising such
a historic event - TV audience estimated at 1 billion! - and
ensuring another "on time" departure
Sunday 19 September 2010