Accident involving Citation Eagle II G-VUEM on Friday 19 November 2010

Citation Eagle II G-VUEM crash landed at Birmingham Airport in
thick fog shortly after 1535 on Friday 19 November 2010....
.... after colliding with the Runway 15 Instrument Landing System
- ILS - antennae while on final approach in the poor visibility
Thankfully both pilots survived the accident as did the liver they
were transporting from Belfast for a transplant operation at the
Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham
For the BBC News report on the accident see -
Recovery of the aircraft took place on Saturday morning following
inspection of the crash site by the AAIB - Air Accidents Investigation
Branch - the ILS antennae involved in the accident can be see below
the tail - the Runway is circa 100 metres to the right
Fire damage to the aircraft was confined to its left/port side
For the BBC news report (and video) on the aircraft recovery
and news of the successful transplant operation see -
Photos above: Birmingham Airport
Following it recovery the aircraft - Citation Eagle II G-VUEM -
was transported to the AAIB's facility at Farnborough on the
evening of Monday 22 November 2010 - again it can be seen
that only one side of the aircraft was fire damaged
Photos: Mike Hollick
Well done to all in the emergency services for their
efficient and professional response to this serious incident
For more on the Airport Fire Service role see -