Friday 13 May 2011 - Learjets LX-TWO and C-GUAC visit on air ambulance flights

A busy day for air ambulance flights - Luxembourg Air Rescue
Learjet 35A LX-TWO was an afternoon visitor....
.... while Fox Flight Learjet 35A C-GUAC which had arrived on
Thursday evening departed to Keflavik Photos: Mike Hollick
Boeing 737-73T BBJ N500LS which had arrived on Wednesday
was an afternoon departure to Luton Photo: Ron Kosys
CityLine Hungary Antonov 26 HA-TCN which had arrived in the
early hours of Thursday morning also departed Photo: Mike Hollick
Aer Arann ATR 72-212 EI-SLL operated their service from Shannon
- its first visit since it was repainted in Aer Lingus Regional colours
RAF Hercules C4 ZH875 was an evening visitor
to the Elmdon apron operating a medevac flight