Chinese Premier Wen Jaibao departs to Heathrow after visit to Birmingham

Air China Boeing 747-4J6 B-2472 lifts off Birmingham Airport's
Runway 15 as Chinese Premier Wen Jaibao departs to Heathrow
Premier Wen Jaibao who had arrived in Birmingham on Saturday
evening had spent Sunday morning visiting Stratford-upon-Avon
for a Shakespeare performance and the Chinese owned MG car plant
at Longbridge returning to Birmingham Airport shortly after 1330....
.... the passengers were soon back on Boeing 747-4J6 B-2472
.... which started up and taxied out to depart on Runway 15
.... after briefly holding for arriving traffic
.... it lined up and departed to London Heathrow and
the next stage of Premier Wen Jaibao's visit to the UK
Note: Some photos suffer from heat haze - sorry
about that it has been a hot day in Birmingham

Sunday 26 June 2011