Birmingham Airport's new Air Traffic Control Tower reaches for the sky!!

The new Air Traffic Control Tower at Birmingham Airport has
started to take shape and has been growing at a rate of up to
four metres a day over the last fortnight and already dominates
the existing facility that dates from 1939
On completion in 2013, the new £10m ATC tower will stand
33 metres above ground level and will be home to National Air
Traffic Services - NATS - the Airport’s air traffic control provider
Paul Kehoe, CEO of Birmingham Airport commented: "This iconic
tower will be furnished with state of the art radar and navigation
equipment and will give the controllers a better view of the airfield,
above buildings that have been developed over the last few years.
It will also allow them to see the end of the extended runway, a
development that will be complete in 2014 and will allow airlines
to fly to more long haul destinations worldwide"
Once fully commissioned, the tower will take over from the current
79ft control tower, which is situated at the old Elmdon Airport site
and has been in use since 1939 when the original terminal opened
The project is being delivered by UK construction, infrastructure
and design business, Morgan Sindall. Dave Smith, Regional Managing
Director at Morgan Sindall, says: "This is the fifth major project
Morgan Sindall has undertaken for Birmingham Airport – a
testament to the expertise we’ve developed in the aviation
sector and our ability to deliver"
The new ATC Tower has already changed
the skyline at Birmingham Airport -
Monday 25 July 2011
Wednesday 27 July 2011
Wednesday 3 August 2011
The main tower structure is now complete and work has
started on the construction of the control area that will be
at the top of the tower. Morgan Sindall’s construction works
will be completed by March 2012, following that an extensive
fit out of Avionics equipment takes place with the tower
expected to be operational during the early part of 2013
The ATC Tower with the new Travelodge Hotel behind it
An artist's impression of what the new Birmingham Airport
ATC Tower will look like when when completed in 2013
Thursday 4 August 2011