Birmingham Airport invests in Solar Power

Birmingham Airport will save 22 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year
with the installation of 200 solar panels on the roof of its terminal.
The 1.6m x 1m panels will generate 40,000 kWh a year; sufficient
to power 12 average sized houses
The Airport has worked in partnership with npower to install the
50kpw solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to provide renewable green
energy on-site as it reduces its dependency on mains power electricity
This is the first renewable energy and zero carbon installation
on the Airport site and is part of a wider project to improve
its energy management and reduce its carbon footprint
The solar PV panels capture the sun’s energy using photovoltaic
cells, which then convert the sunlight into electricity and even
on cloudy days can still produce some electricity, making it
incredibly efficient. The system also generates no greenhouse
gases, helping the Airport reduce its carbon footprint
Paul Kehoe, the Birmingham Airport’s CEO, said: "It’s exciting
for the Airport to present such a visible commitment to energy
reduction. Managing our greenhouse gas emissions is a high
priority for the company and we’re always seeking new
opportunities to work with partners to reduce our carbon footprint"
Graham Ryott, Development Manager at npower, added:
"Birmingham Airport is committed to a sustainable future so
installing solar PV as a way of generating energy is fundamental
to its ongoing programme in reducing its environmental impact.
As one of the busiest Airports in the country, Birmingham is
understandably a large energy user but supplementing its
energy use with on-site generation is a positive step for the
site’s future and npower is delighted to be involved"
For more information about Birmingham Airport and
its environmental programmes, please see here
Monday 6 February 2012