Transport Secretary visits Birmingham Airport

The Secretary of State for Transport, Rt Hon Justine Greening MP,
visited Birmingham Airport today, Monday 6 February 2012, to learn
more about the huge capacity that is available immediately, and how
Birmingham Airport can take pressure off creaking South East airports
The debate about recently-launched plans for a "Boris Island"
airport for London has ignited a fierce debate about Britain’s
aviation strategy
CEO of Birmingham Airport, Paul Kehoe, said, "We were delighted
to host the Secretary of State’s "fact finding" visit. Birmingham is
a hiddengem and really is the missing part in the aviation
capacity jigsaw"
"Boris is right to ask how Britain’s airports can meet growing
demand, and to think in ambitious terms about the answer.
Because, as he rightly acknowledges, the answer is not a third
runway at Heathrow. Everyone accepts that option is now closed
"Our message to Boris is simple. Britain’s long-term aviation problem
requires courageous thinking. But make best use of underused assets,
rather than simply adding to the imbalance that has taken place.
"And our message to Justine Greening, the Transport Secretary, is
that the forthcoming Aviation White paper must recognise the
opportunity to distribute aviation in a way that economically
benefits the whole UK – not just the South East!"
Monday 6 February 2012