"Bye bye baby" - the final bmibaby departures from Birmingham on Monday 10 Sept 2012

"Bye bye baby" - the final bmibaby departure from Birmingham
Airport Boeing 737-37Q G-ODSK receives a farewell wave from
the staff of their local handling agent Servisair....

.... bmibaby had ceased passenger operations on Sunday
evening, 9 September 2012 with the four based aircraft
spending the night on the 80's Stands at Birmingham

The first aircraft to depart was Boeing 737-3Q8 G-TOYI....

.... which is named "tinylife baby"

Next aircraft to depart was Boeing 737-3Q8 G-TOYD....

.... which is named "Surf's up, baby !"

.... followed by Boeing 737-36N G-TOYH

.... which is named "baby of the north" - this aircraft had operated
their final service from Birmingham (to Prague) on Sunday

The final aircraft depart was Boeing 737-37Q G-ODSK....

.... which is named "dragonfly baby"

.... after lining up on Runway 15 it received the best wishes
from all in Air Traffic Control at Birmingham

.... before climbing away destination Norwich - bmibaby
at Birmingham 7 January 2005 - 10 September 2012

Final bmibaby departures from Birmingham Airport
on Monday 10 September 2012

G-TOYI Flight number WW 9421 Callsign BMI LR1 - airborne 1119
G-TOYD Flight number WW 9422 Callsign BMI CWM2 - airborne 1130
G-TOYH Flight number WW 9423 Callsign BMI AB3 - airborne 1138
G-ODSK Flight number WW 9424 Callsign BMI RP4 - airborne 1142

- all aircraft departed off Runway 15 to Norwich - the callsign
which is used for ATC purposes consisted of the pilots initials
and its departure number - the final flight from Birmingham
therefore used callsign "baby romeo papa four"

Monday 10 September 2012