Birmingham Airport returns to growth in 2011/12 after prolonged period of economic uncertainty

The new ATC Tower now dominates the skyline at Birmingham Airport
Birmingham Airport have released their financial results for the year ended 31 March 2012

While turnover increased by just 0.73% on 2010/11 the profit after tax was up 51% reflecting
the action taken in previous accounting periods to bring the airports cost base in line with the
current challenging and uncertain economic climate 

While passenger numbers grew slightly driven by the business sector the Airport Company
has also made a significant investment in an improved retail offering in recent years as part
of the "One Terminal" project and whether we like it or not this is where airports now have
to make their money! - aero income - from airlines etc - actually dropped by 5.6% reflecting
the competitive market place in the UK

Nearly £15 million was spent during the year on the initial phase of the new ATC Tower and
Runway Extension project and other on site developments and these positive financial results
will under pinned the completion of these projects

Commenting on the results an Airport spokesperson said, "Following a prolonged period of
uncertainty in the economy, Birmingham Airport saw a return to growth in 2011/12,
predominantly from a recovery in the business sector with many full-service carriers
seeing double-digit year-on-year growth"
"The profit for the year after tax was £7.973m and 8,599,112 passengers travelled through
the facility, which was an increase of 0.9% over the previous financial year"

"The Airport has invested heavily in its infrastructure in recent years to steer the company in the
right direction for long-term growth opportunities that will ultimately support the region’s economy"
"Although the market continues to be challenging, the Airport is looking forward to the year
ahead. New Air Traffic Control and Radar towers will be operational in the next few months
and work is well underway on the runway extension, which will be opening in early 2014 to
allow the Airport to cater for more long haul traffic"

Birmingham Airport Holding Limited
Financial highlights year ended 31 March 2012

Turnover 2011/12 - 104,037
Turnover 2010/11 - 103,275

Profit after tax 2011/12 - 7,973
Profit after tax 2010/11 - 5,276

Passenger numbers 2011/12 - 8,599,112
Passenger numbers 2010/11 - 8,524,876

Wednesday 2 January 2013