Runway Watch - Friday 12 April 2013

Work continues on the "removal" of the lower (closed) part of the Long Stay Car Park
which is currently higher than the level of the new Taxiway that will be built on that
area parallel to the Runway Extension... 

.... the earth is being moved to the area on the airfield between Taxiway Echo and
Taxiway Charlie and will ultimately be used as part of the project to "level" the area
when the whole Runway is resurfaced during winter 2013/14

As a result Taxiway Echo is now closed during working hours each weekday between
Echo One and Echo Two to allow the contractors to access this area with Runway 33
departures using Taxiway Charlie and back tracking as required - special arrangements
are made to allow wide bodied aircraft arrivals and departures to use Taxiway Echo
with work being suspended and the safety barriers removed

Friday 12 April 2013