New road - the new elevated view from the A45 cycleway and footpath at Birmingham Airport

This is the current view of the start of the extended runway at Birmingham Airport from
the new elevated cycleway and footpath that runs around the south side of the airport....

.... starting from the Clock Lane interchange the cycleway and footpath climbs up a mound
as the new section of the A45 goes into the cutting around the end of the runway extension

.... this provides an excellent view of the road and the runway extension site to the right

.... while much work remains to be done to clear the site - the existing carriageways of
the A45 Coventry Road currently runs along the top of the ridge on the left of the image
and this will be removed into due course allowing a future view towards the Terminal

.... in the meantime the construction equipment in this image is located at the end of
the extended runway with Birmingham Airport's new ATC Tower in the background

NOTE - as this area remains a construction site pending completion of the A45 diversion
access is limited to the route marked out by the safety barriers that can be seen in the images

Saturday 3 August 2013