Friday 20 September 2013 - RAF VC10 K3 ZA147 performs fly past at Birmingham Airport

RAF VC10 K3 ZA147 performed a fly past at Birmingham Airport just after 1335....

.... as the Royal Air Force withdrew their last two VC10s from front line service Photo: Mike Hollick

.... this was marked by a final flying tour of the UK - details here Photo: Mark Presswood

.... with BHX having had a long association with the RAF VC10 because of the medevac flights
that arrive at the airport with patients on their way to the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine
at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham

.... while it was a grey afternoon the VC10 did climb away into the sun!
A RAF VC10 will make a final fly past at Birmingham Airport on its way to
Bruntingthorpe on Wednesday 25 September 2013 - more information here

More photos later