Thursday 20 February 2014 - Biman Bangladesh Airlines Douglas DC10-30 S2-ACR arrives from Dhaka

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Douglas DC10-30 S2-ACR was an early evening arrival
from Dhaka via Kuwait at start of its farewell tour to the UK.... Photo: Nick Broome

.... after landing on Runway 33 it turned onto Taxiway Alpha where a "Follow me" vehicle

.... was waiting to escort it passed the Birmingham Airport Fire Station Photos: Brett Allen

.... to park on Stand 86C Photo: Nick Broome

DC10-30 S2-ACR is the last remaining passenger DC10 in airline service and to mark this
historic occasion Biman Bangladesh Airlines have arranged to operate a series of DC10
"scenic flights" on Saturday/Sunday/Monday 22/23/24 February 2014 with the final flight
at 1500 on Monday 24 February 2014 being the last ever opportunity to fly as a passenger
in the Douglas DC10 - more information here

The "Birmingham Airport Photo Blog" flew on the aircraft back from Dhaka and a full trip report
will follow in due course - the Bengali service of BBC World were also on the flight and their
video report - which is in Bengali - and includes footage taken on the flight can be seen here