Runway Watch - Monday 28 April 2014

A view of the new Runway 15 ILS - Instrument Landing System - Localiser as work continues to
complete the 400 metre runway extension and associated infrastructure at Birmingham Airport....

.... a Brussels Airlines Dash 8Q-402 overflies the Localiser on short final to Runway 33

A view back down the new approach lights/guide path to Runway 33

The new Runway 33 ILS Glide-slope aerial and associated infrastructure is now in place - and
operational - the 33 ILS has been relocated from the east side of the runway to an area adjacent
to holding point Foxtrot 1 - an AIS Airlines Jetstream 32 can be seen on short finals to Runway 33

A Jet Blast Deflector is being installed adjacent to (new) holding point Sierra 2 to protect
vehicles using the new airside perimeter road from the jet blast of aircraft (up to Airbus
A380 size) using (new) Taxiway Sierra as they wait to line up on Runway 33....

.... a panoramic view of the new Jet Blast Deflector, the runway extension in the
foreground, Taxiway Sierra and the new Radar tower in the background

A look down Runway 33 from the start of the Runway Extension...

.... and the same view from Bickenhill shortly after the arrival of the Emirates
Boeing 777-31HER from Dubai that has just turned onto Taxiway Bravo

Monday 28 April 2014