Emirates Boeing 777 A6-EGT is the first wide bodied aircraft to depart on BHX's extended runway after it was declared operational on Tuesday 27 May 2014

Emirates Boeing 777-31HER A6-EGT operating their lunchtime flight "EK 040" to Dubai
was the first wide bodied aircraft to depart on Birmingham Airport's "extended" runway
after it was declared operational at 0600 on Tuesday 27 May 2014 - this sequence of
images illustrates the "extended" runway and taxiway layout in operation....

.... after proceeding along Taxiway Echo the aircraft turns onto new Taxiway Sierra
- due to work in progress at the fuel farm an Ops vehicle escort is required here

.... the aircraft then proceeds along the new parallel Taxiway Sierra with the newly
extended and refurbished Long Stay Park Car and new Radar in the background

.... a general view of the aircraft on Taxiway Sierra with the 400 metre extension
to Runway 15/33 in the foreground

.... as the aircraft approaches the Sierra 1 holding point it passes the new Jet Blast Deflector
which is designed to protect vehicles using the new airside perimeter road from the jet blast
of aircraft (up to Airbus A380 size) using Taxiway Sierra as the wait to line up on Runway 33

Emirates Boeing 777-31HER A6-EGT holds for departure at Sierra 1 waiting for....

.... Thomson Boeing 757-236 G-CPEV to land on Runway 33

.... the aircraft then lines up on Runway 33 - the street lights of the A45 Coventry Road
which now runs in a cutting can be seen in the background - not much traffic today!

The bigger picture! - the aircraft lined up on the extended Runway 33 with the view
all the way back to the new ILS - foreground - and the terminal in the background

.... Emirates Boeing 777-31HER A6-EGT starts its take off roll

.... along the extended Runway 33 which is now 3,003 metres long

.... rotating/becoming airborne shortly after the aircraft passes Taxiway Lima
- the former cross Runway 06/24 - next stop Dubai!

Tuesday 27 May 2014