Runway Watch - Friday 2 May 2014

A view across Taxiway Sierra towards the runway and the new ATC Tower....

.... and the view back from the new ATC Tower of the completed 400 metre runway extension
at Birmingham Airport as a KLM Boeing 737 lines up on Runway 33 via the Echo Taxiway

A closer view of the runway extension with a Monarch Airbus A320 on short finals to Runway 33
- new Taxiway Sierra can also be seen with Bickenhill Church in the background

A Lufthansa Airbus A320 lines up on Runway 33 via Taxiway Echo with Taxiway Sierra, the new
extension to the Long Stay Car Park and the new Radar tower in the background

A view of the Terminal area with Taxiway Charlie and Runway 33 in the foreground

Friday 2 May 2014