Runway Watch - Monday 26 May 2014 - first phase of commissioning the runway extension completed!

Birmingham Airport completed the first phase of the commissioning of its 400 metre runway extension
in the early hours of Monday 26 May 2014 with Thomson Boeing 737-8K5 G-FDZU on its way to Naples
being the first aircraft to depart off the now extended runway at 0611....

.... with Emirates Boeing 777-31HER A6-EGN from Dubai becoming the first aircraft to land 2 minutes later

The runway had been closed during the early hours of Monday morning to enable the contractors to
commission the lightning, markings and signage in the "extended" runway layout - and remove the
cones! - with the BHX Ops team performing final checks on the now extended runway just before 0600....

.... with the new runway lighting - which includes restored centreline lights - handed over to ATC
this was then checked first for Runway 15 - illustrated - before changing to Runway 33 as above

While the runway extension is now "open" it will not be used today/Monday pending the commissioning
of Taxiway Sierra - the parallel taxiway - that is planned to take place in the early hours of Tuesday
morning when the runway will again be closed - the new taxiway and with it access to the extended
runway is planned to be operational at 0600 on Tuesday 27 May 2014 - after that time aircraft that
require the "full length" of Runway 33 for departure will be able to access the runway via Taxiway Sierra

Monday 26 May 2014