Friday 29 August 2014 - Alpha Star Airbus A320-214 CJ HZ-A2 departs after visit to Monarch hangar

Alpha Star Airbus A320-214 CJ Prestige HZ-A2 was a morning departure
after attention by Monarch Aircraft Engineering.... Photo: Mike Hollick

.... departing off Runway 15 back to Stansted

Thomson Boeing 787-8 G-TUIF positioned in from Manchester - its first visit to BHX

.... to operate their weekly flight to Montego Bay Photo: Mike Hollick

Turkmenistan Boeing 757-22K EZ-A012 operated their flight to Ashkhabad

Balkan Holidays/BH Air Airbus A320-232 LZ-BHG operated their final Friday
morning IT/inclusive tour flight from Bourgas for the summer season