Monday 20 December 2010 - Air Blue Airbus A319 AP-BIE continues to Manchester

Air Blue Airbus A319-112 AP-BIE diverted in on Sunday evening
while operating their Islamabad-Trazbon-Manchester service....
.... after spending the night at BHX it positioned to Manchester
Photo: Ron Kosys
Air Via Airbus A320-232 LZ-MDC positioned in to operate a
Thomas Cook IT flight to Las Palmas
Emirates Boeing 777-31HER A6-ECX arrived from Hamburg were
it had diverted on Saturday while enroute to Heathrow - it then
operated an additional flight back to Dubai.. Photo: Mike Hollick
To add to the weather related problems Helvetic Fokker 100 HB-JVC
- which operated the Swiss flight from Zurich - suffered a hydraulic
failure on arrival blocking Taxiway Alpha.... ..Photo: Ron Kosys
.... while the aircraft was being recovered to the terminal it was
necessary for departing aircraft to wait.... ..Photo: Ian Bowley
.... as landing aircraft back tracked to clear the Runway
- SAS MD 82 LN-RML exits at Echo One
Aircraft that have been at Birmingham over the weekend like
FedEx/Air Contractors ATR 72-202F EI-FXG which was parked
on the Elmdon apron remained snow bound.... ..Photo: Ron Kosys
.... with Danu Oro ATR 42-300F LY-OOV needing a full de ice
Photo: Mike Hollick
.... and there was still plenty of snow to go around!!